Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Trenton: 15 Months!

Trenton, You are 15 months old!! I cannot believe how much you are looking more and more like a toddler and less and less like a baby. You have brought us a new meaning to what it “clean” means….your nickname is Tornado Trenton because it seems to be a daily occurrence of your natural disasters all over the living room. I don’t know how you do it sometimes…! Daddy takes you outside in the afternoons almost every day to play and ride your car. You absolutely love outside! You also started “daycare” at Miss Evelyn’s house with GiGi so generously taking you and picking you up since it’s a bit out of the way for both Daddy and I.

When you see yourself in the mirror or a picture of you and we ask who that is, you point to yourself and smile really big. It’s pretty cute. Daddy says I'm boosting your ego too much and you are going to grow up being conceded. I just say I am teaching you how to be confident in yourself :)

You have learned so many animals and sounds lately! I downloaded one app on my phone for you that says animals and sounds and within a few days you picked up on some already! You know how to say doggy (of course!), woof, duck, chicken, llama, hiss like a snake, moo….that’s all I can think of right now. And every time you walk into the house the first thing you say is, “hiiiii!!!!’ to Loretta and pet her :)

You are Mr. Independent though and just have to walk by yourself especially. Most of the time when we are out we have to carry you just because you refuse to hold our hands. I’ve also started a little collection of Toddler Tantrums to catalog all the crazy reasons why you throw a fit. You will love me one day. I know it ;)

We had your second Easter recently! Well, sort of. You got sick the Friday before Easter and we were actually in the hospital Easter night. You were running extremely high fevers and we were stuck in the hospital for an entire week! Daddy and I are so so very tired. They still don’t know what was wrong with you, but they are pretty sure it’s just some crazy long virus. On Friday, April 18, you woke up with a fever. We just figured it was a late reaction to the 2 shots you had on Tuesday. But by Saturday night your fevers just weren't going down so we decided to go the the ER. We were there for about 3 hours and the wonderful doctor was able to get the fever down but unfortunately they didn't stay down so we had to go back Sunday night. This time they admitted you to the hospital :( It's been a long week of uncomfortable hospital couches, tons of blood drawn, nurses waking you up for vitals, meds, or blood what seemed like every single time I finally got you to sleep during the night. You've been running consistent fevers averaging 104-105 degrees, which of course is high, for a baby especially. The frustrating part is all tests come back negative. The doctors have been fairly certain it's just some unknown nasty virus that is knocking you down, but it would be nice to know exactly what's wrong. They did find a bacteria in your stool called C-Diff on Tuesday so we have been giving you a new antibiotic for that. Hopefully it's working! You really hate the stuff. You gag every time and even puke it up on multiple occasions. Thursday you had a really good afternoon and ate a pretty good amount compared to the past week and even drank slightly more water than you have been. And thankfully they stopped your IV Thursday night so you were able to walk around the room without being attached to the IV pole! Gi-Gi came back over Thursday night as well and gave Daddy and I a much needed break. We went for a walk together and went outside to the koi pond and rec area. That was the first time I've been outside since Sunday!! I definitely needed it. You got another fever around 10-10:30 Thursday night but for the first time all week you went ALL NIGHT with no fever! Almost 11 hours!!

The doctors and nurses have all been fantastic and we are so grateful to live near Children's Hospital. There have been a couple nurses that we haven't been completely fond of but there have also been a couple that we absolutely fell in love with :) We finally got to go home after a few more tests Sunday night, and guess what?? NO FEVERS on Monday!! Daddy and I were ecstatic. Hopefully that means you are all clear and the virus has left your tiny little body. You actually haven't had a fever all week, thankfully! I guess we just needed to go home in order to stop the fevers. I hated seeing my baby go through so much!!! You cried more that week than you have your entire life :( Your voice even got a bit scratchy.

We (I) decided to celebrate Easter a couple weeks late though because I really wanted to do an Easter egg hunt and dress you up in your cute little outfit I got you :) So that means this weekend there will be some belated pictures to take and some partying to do! Next weekend we get to find out if you are having a little brother or a little sister!! So when I tell you about that, I'll show you some of your Easter pictures and how adorable you are at 15 months :)

Since Aunt Brittany and Uncle Montez have made it public, I can share with you also that you are going to have a baby cousin!!! Aunt Brittany is due probably somewhere around your birthday, so it'll be fun to see when Baby Cousin Cammon decides to enter the world. We are all pretty excited about it. Now only if they didn't just move 6,000 miles away to Alaska......

I love you sweet baby.



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