Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Baby # 2: 40 Weeks


I never thought I would be making this post, but apparently you are pretty comfortable in there! Maybe you just prefer the October 21st due date rather than the October 14th due date. I hope you are born before next week though! It's really hard to not let it get to your head when so many people tell you that the second baby tends to come sooner than the first. That is definitely not true with you! People also keep telling me that the second labor tends to be shorter, and also that tearing doesn't typically happen, or at least not as bad, the second time around. I REALLY hope these last two things are true though. Especially about the tearing since that is one thing I have been very nervous about.

The past couple weeks I have had some horrible tailbone and hip pain and unfortunately the chiropractor did not help. It was so bad that just walking or moving in general was really painful. Thankfully I discovered the heating pad helped a lot. Too bad I had to have it on practically 24/7. But hey, whatever works! The pain has also caused some spasms in my lower back and hips, but the heating pad has helped with those also, thankfully.

Whenever your future wife is pregnant, please remember that pregnancy brain is a real thing. And it seems to be worse with the second kid. It's ridiculous really. I have locked myself out of the house and car twice and also parked in a reserved parking spot at work. The place where I have worked for over three years...

I decided to take my maternity leave early this time, so Monday (the day beofre your due date) was my first day of being a stay at home mom! We would love to have you join us though, but for now it has been a fun couple days just doing nothing and playing with Trenton all day. Oh, and sleeping in! Since Trenton doesn't wake up until 9am, and I always woke up at 5:45am for work, I can't be more excited about the sleeping in part of being a stay at home mom :) I really hope you are a good sleeper too!

At my 40 week appointment today, you have dropped even lower into my pelvis. Last week my uterus measured 38 weeks and this week it measured 35 weeks. So that is exciting. You are in a good position for labor and birth too. Now we just need to convince you to be born! We don't want to have to evict you now....

Hopefully I won't need it, but we scheduled an ultrasound for next Monday and a non-stress test on Wednesday, along with my 41 week appointment. We all hope you decide to make your debut before then, but if not, it'll be fun to see a picture of you. I'm really hoping you are born this week so hopefully I can feel up to taking a family trip to a pumpkin patch and/or going to a Halloween festival. We don't have any costumes for either of you, but that's okay, it would still be fun. Our church also has a baby dedication coming up in just a couple weeks, so we would love to be able to attend that and dedicated you and our family to the Lord as a proclamation to raise you in a godly home. So get to movin' little man! :)

The picture is a bit blurry for some reason :( oh well.

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