You are four months old! Every month you change and grow so much. It is such a joy to watch you learn new things. The past month we have coped with our new lifestyle of me going back to work. But Trenton, you really REALLY need to get on a better sleeping schedule. You are driving us crazy! During the day you can’t stay awake longer than 3 hours at a time, but at nighttime you will stay awake for 6+ hours! And those hours are always from about 8pm until 1-2am or sometimes later. And you are usually wide awake playing, not fussy. Which makes it really difficult when I need to get up at 5:30am for work…. But we love you anyways and one day we will figure out how to make you go down for the night at 8pm :)
We are also moving this weekend! We are finally getting a house and it’s a lovely house. It won’t be completely done when we move in, but our landlord is a friend from my Bible Study so we are all good with it. We will have a backyard and our landlord lives next door and has a pool and a garden that we can use any time. So this summer you will have lots of pool time!
Some changes this month:
- You love it when Daddy covers your face with the burp cloth. For some reason you think its fun to hold your breath every time. We wonder if that’s a bad thing….we just say you are getting strong swimmer’s lungs maybe :)
- You are starting to hold your bottle all by yourself!
- You have started chewing on your fingers instead of your fists
- And you are teething. Which I’m not too happy about, but you are. Your gums have been white and swollen the past couple weeks and we can feel a couple bumps where teeth will break through soon. You haven’t really been fussy or anything so we are happy about that.
- You are so sneaky when it comes to the TV! We try to limit your screen time to hardly nothing but when it is on you will twist and turn, and even hang upside down JUST so you can watch TV
- Sometimes when we are trying to put you to sleep, you will talk to yourself as you doze off in our arms. It’s pretty cute.
-You are such a little daredevil! I have a feeling you are going to be one of those "typical" boys who drive their mom crazy by jumping off everything and hanging from the ceiling fan, and doing everything we girls call stupid that boys do. At 4 months old you love to fly in the air, throw yourself backward when someone is holding you (sometimes when they don't expect it), hang upside down by your legs, and generally just hang upside down while laying in our arms or lap. Silly silly boy.....
- Your motor skills are improving so much every day! You are grabbing things more and more, you focus intensely on something you want and then sometimes will lunge for it
- Last night you were really focusing on Loretta and even lunged for her :)
- You are able to sit up by yourself for a few seconds at a time! Though you still aren’t rolling over regularly
- Your two new favorite games:
o One: Blowing spit bubbles. You absolutely love to spit
o Two: You put your binky in your mouth, bite down, then snap it out quickly so it makes a loud popping noise
At your 4 month doctor’s appointment, you weighed 12 lbs 14oz and are now 2 feet 1 inch tall. You grew THREE inches in 2 months! Your doctor said you didn't gain as much weight as you had been, but since you shot up in height that is understandable. We all keep thinking you are going to be a tall kid! You did get your 4 month shots this time though and you were not happy about it :( Last time you did pretty well, but this time you wanted nothing to do with anyone but me. Not even Daddy. When we got home from the doctor, you took a long nap and then didn't want to be held by anyone except me. You would play and laugh as long as I was holding you, but the second I tried to pass you off you would cry. We even had to give you some Tylenol this time because you were in pain :( But you are a tough little guy and we love you so very much!
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