This has been a busy month! At the beginning of the month we spent a couple weeks in California visiting my family and seeing Aunt Stephanie get married. You did great on the airplane! You were just super wiggly (surprise surprise) and wanted to touch everyone around us. You kept playing peekaboo with the people around us as well. They thought you were pretty cute :) You kept trying to get down and crawl around so it was really like wrestling a crazy monkey for a couple hours. Grandma has a built-in DVD player in her car so the ride from Burbank to Bakersfield wasn't horrible. :) Since it was the last weekend of the Kern County Fair, we went to go check it out so I could show Daddy what my life consisted of in high school. He still thinks I was a nerd for doing 4-H and FFA but that's okay. I loved it :) And secretly I am hoping you are going to want to join 4-H when you are older!
Since Stephanie and Sean were getting married in Lake Tahoe, we took another road trip up there for a few days. It was beautiful! It rained every day we were there except for wedding day. Then the sun came out and it was breathtaking! Aunt Stephanie was beautiful and it was a sweet little gathering. And of course you looked pretty handsome yourself!
Since none of the family would have been able to attend your actual birthday, we decided to have a little family gathering and birthday cake! At first you didn't like the frosting touching you, but then once I forced your hand into the cake and made you taste it, you devoured the thing! We got some pretty cute pictures. And what's even better is that I have many birthday photos of me sitting in the same spot that you were!
You are still so dramatic! You throw yourself on the ground in a huge fit when you don't get your way. When something happens to you, you always wait a few seconds to make sure someone is looking at you, then you cry. Which leads me into you biting! You have started to bite. Mostly out of you being ornery though. You think its funny to bite my clothes and then snap them back. But a couple of times you have bitten Trenton...but it was after he hit you. I don't want you to be the biter in school! But at the same time I am glad to see that you stand up for yourself. It's a catch 22.
Cruising has been going on a lot more too. A couple of times you have even let go! Then you fell right away. I imagine in the next couple months you will be walking!
Things you love in the house: the fish tank and your puppy. You love to crawl and stand up at the fish tank to look at the fish. The aquarium is also one of your favorite destinations. And Roosevelt. You two are best buddies. He still nibbles and bites occasionally, but I think he protects you. He likes to stand on top of you. You also crawl underneath him like he's a bridge. You also love to give him kisses. Or you try to bite him; I'm not entirely sure which one is correct.
Your favorite book is Brown Bear Brown Bear. You will sit and flip through those pages while we are reading books at night. I really hope you and Trenton both continue to grow a love for reading.
I have been trying to teach you some words in sign language but you haven't picked up on them quite as much. When you do sign, you usually do the signs on me instead of you. Like when you say please you will rub my chest instead of yours. Silly boy!
I also think you are going to definitely be our wild child! Along with the biting, you also play with electrical outlets, cords, and toilets. We have got our work cut out for us! You are definitely the little boy in the Love You Forever book. But I still love seeing you grow and explore your little world.
At your one year appointment things went well! You did a wonderful job getting your shots and finger prick. You barely cried! You weighed 21 lbs 2oz and in the 47th percentile for weight. You were 29 3/4in tall and in the 46th percentile for height. And your head was 18 1/4in circumference and in the 58th percentile, but you were pretty wiggly so your head measurement probably isn't very accurate. I hate how doctors try to make parents worry when kids don't meet the guidelines right when the textbooks say they should. According to the Textbook One Year Old, you are behind because you don't walk or say 2-3 words. But you will on your own time. Luckily your pediatrician is great. Even though he has to mention these things, he also follows up with a statement that he isn't worried about anything right now. You have proven over and over again (especially with being born, since you were 2 weeks late....) that you do things on your own time and your own terms. So when you want to walk, you will start walking; and when you want to talk, you will start talking. Keep up the independence, my baby. Just maybe not so much when it comes to listening to Mommy and Daddy :)
Hiking in Colorado! You always look so thrilled
Aunt Sue Sue took us to an arcade! You guys had so much fun
You with Aunt Sue Sue
Driving up Pike's Peak, you had an explosion so you spent the day naked :)
We made it!
Your cool
Sometimes, Mondays are hard....
You loved the airplane!!
You loved being able to play and get to know your aunt Bella and uncles Michael and Travis
Cheese faces!!
Great Aunt Sherry loved kissing those chubby cheeks
Pictures with Aunt Chiara
Some Daddy love :)
Aunt Stephanie and Uncle Sean got a picture with all the little kids at the wedding
Family wedding picture!
Grandma has always been one of your favorite people. She was the only one who could put you to sleep when you were a tiny baby!
Grandma took you and Trenton to Chuck E Cheese for the first time
Then we went to Disneyland! We spent most of the time in Cars Land since that was Trenton's Favorite
Mickey Ears! You loved these things and got mad when I made you put them back
The Classic Disneyland Family picture
Your first ride! You were a bit nervous to go up and down on the space ship
You weren't too sure what to think about your birthday cake
But then once I forced some in your explain it all....
yum yum
I told you to say "cheese" and this is the face you gave me: a super close up cheese face. Silly boy
oooh....belly cake.....
The chair looked mighty tasty with all that frosting on it
"Come here Mommy!!"
Boys Town football is always fun
This is what happens when babies refuse to take naps
Happy Fall!
Daddy insisted on getting you a haircut. I wasn't too keen on the idea but obliged. You of course look super cute and grown up but I miss your sweet fuzzy curls!
Fall time!
My big handsome ONE YEAR OLD!!
YAY!!!! I 'm One!!!