Monday, June 29, 2015

Tucker - Eight Months

Mr. Tucker,

Daddy and I came to the realization the other day that in just four short months we will have a ONE year old and a two year old. I just cannot believe it. I don't want to believe it yet!

However, we have had a busy month! First of all, I am pretty sure you have entered the separation anxiety phase in full force. You hardly let anyone hold you and you hate to be left alone. If I walk out of eye sight, then Lord help us all! You still continue to hate the car as well. Sometimes we have discovered that John Legend's Ordinary People works. But it's never a sure thing unfortunately.

One thing we all continue to wonder is how such a tiny baby has SO much to say?? You are always shouting your proclamations to the world. Especially at 6:30 in the morning....also at Family Meeting with the guys at night. You will stay quiet throughout dinner but then the second family meeting starts, so do you. The guys have to practically shout in order to be heard over you.

We had our first trip to Okoboji last week too! This lake is the closest thing we can get to an ocean out here in Nebraska but we all had fun! Unfornately Trenton had another fever episode but we were still able to have some fun. We went as a house with four other houses and luckily another one of the family teachers we went with has a little girl who is only two weeks older than you! So we sat on the beach and let you two play most of the time. You aren't a fan of the baby pool or sitting down in the water, but you did love when you stood up and the "waves" from the boats crashed on your feet! I also took you on a Pontoon and you loved it! The first half you fell asleep but the second half you woke up and were looking around and laughing and flirting with the lifeguard who was driving us :) Since you hate the car, you pretty much ate your weight in Puffs between the ride there and the ride back. But hey! you didn't cry! I just sat in the back next to you and fed you Puffs for the four hour ride.

Speaking of food, holy moly do you eat a lot! I though Trenton ate a lot, but my goodness! You two boys are going to eat us out of house and home! You've become great at holding your own food pouch too which is fantastic for me :) Cheerios and rice cakes are other favorite snacks that you can eat yourself.

This month was Father's Day! It was Daddy's first Father's Day with you! We had to work unfortunately but we did the best we could. We took our annual DAD photo, let Daddy sleep in, and let him go back into the apartment while Mommy took care of the boys for a bit. Then the weekend after we got a babysitter (an FT kid who lives next door. She's 13 and did great with you both!). Mommy surprised Daddy with a trip to the shooting range, a nice dinner, and some fun at the casino. He was so surprised :)

So let's talk crawling! You are getting so close! You are starting to lunge from a seated position, but then you end up just face-planting and crying :) But when I put you up on all fours you will stay there and rock back and forth. A couple times you have even moved your hand! The other day I was sitting in the office talking to Ali (our assistant. You love her) and you were on the floor next to the desk. Next thing I know I look down and somehow you have managed to stretch over, pull the drawer open (pretty sure you were NOT that close to it!), and pull yourself up to a stand! Ali and I were so excited! Daddy doesn't believe you did it, even with picture proof :)

All the guys in our house call you their son. They just love you so much! I'm a bit biased, but I think you are the cutest baby! :) They all say they can't wait to be dads so much but little do they know what they are really asking! Daddy and I just can't get it through their thick, stubborn, know-it-all skulls that they really need to wait to have kids, and live their life a little, and travel the world. Because being a good parent is hard work. You give up a lot of your dreams and aspirations in order for your kids to live the life you always dreamed of. It's not just about you anymore. So needless to say, NONE of these boys better become teenage parents! And you either for that matter!

Now that I'm done giving my speech, I will let you know that over the next few weeks, family will be visiting! First up is GiGi, Pimpa and Amelia! They haven't seen you since we left Atlanta when you were 10 weeks old! Then the week after that is Great Grandma Norma and Great Aunt Sherry! They haven't even met you at all yet! I know everyone is just so excited to see you and Trenton :)

I love you baby boy!



First Okoboji trip! You loved the water and sand on your feet

You didn't look too thrilled to be walking around the zoo :)

Mommy and Baby at the lake!

We were at the airport waiting to pick up one of our guys and I couldn't resist snapping such a cute picture of the two of you :)

Lake Okoboji!

How can you resist a smile like that??

Happy Father's Day! It was Daddy's first Father's Day of being a daddy of two! (Or 10 if you look at it)

Yummy Yum Bananas!

Sometimes this is the only way to get anything done....

"Tickle Tickle Baby!"

Trenton LOVES going down the slide with you. Though you atill aren't too sure about it

We went to a free children's museum exhibit and your favorite exhibit was this stick area :)

Lookat you pulling up like a big boy! And that face....oh Lord you are adorable

Look at you!

Sad baby eight month picture :(

Happy baby eight month picture!


Monday, June 1, 2015

Tucker - Seven Months


You are such a wiggly boy! Even as I sit here and type this, you are sitting next to me trying to grab the computer and moving all around. You want to crawl so bad but every time we put you down, you want to be picked right back up. But every time someone holds you, you're all over the place! Throwing yourself backwards and sideways and reaching for everything. I'm surprised you haven't been dropped yet actually. No, take that back, this morning you were sitting on the edge of the couch and Trenton pushed the recliner down and you fell on your head. But don't worry because it was in slow motion and I still caught you by your legs :) I do think you are going through a separation anxiety phase though. If you see me leave the room then you start crying and you hardly let anyone else hold you when I'm around. Luckily you are still super smiley and love to laugh at other people when they talk to you.

I will probably regret this in a few months, but we help you "wrestle" your brother and you both think it is the funnest thing to do. He loves it when you "tackle" him to the ground :) The love you and Trenton have for each other is just the most precious thing in the world.  You are starting to pick on him though. Trenton gets so mad when you pull his hair yet you just laugh and laugh.....oh boys. Some of your favorite toys to play with are Trenton's cars too. Sometimes you guys share with each other.

Peekaboo has become a fun game to play. At least you don't hold your breath like Trenton. Whenever anyone touches your head, your face just beams and a huge smile comes across your face. We already know we are going to be in trouble when your older because of your hair and your eyes, but as your mom I just love looking into your deep, soulful, dark eyes and seeing the world as a perfect and loving place. You have so much joy in your sweet little eyes.

One of my favorite things that you've started doing is giant monster hugs and kisses. Especially when you are just waking up and not fully awake yet. When I pick you up from your crib, you wrap your little arms around my neck and give me a big giant kiss, then lay your head back down on my shoulder. It definitely makes up for the fact that you still wake up approximately 23544563 times during the night :) (That's a bit of an exaggeration of course.  You wake up probably 5-6 times still and nurse maybe 3 of those times. Still a lot though and feels like 23544563 times some nights!)

This shouldn't come as much of a surprise to me considering my sisters and I all had different hair colors and textures, but your hair is so much more fine and wavy than Trenton's whose hair is lighter, super curly, and thick. I have no idea how to tame your hair now since Trenton's conditioner doesn't really do much with your crazy hair.

At home all of the guys love you so much and you think they are pretty cool too. You're always smiling and laughing at them and I let some of them hold you :) It's pretty neat to think that you are going to grow up with nine older brothers! Let's just hope we can continue to raise you and Trenton right so you don't pick up on any of these guys' bad behavior!

Also, we have one convertible car seat for you in the van since we drive that more, but in our personal car we still have the bucket seat; which you hate. Well, you still hate the car in general most days, but you cry far less in the convertible seat. Anyways, I checked the measurements limits for the bucket seat and you only have about an inch left before you're too tall! You are 27 1/2 inches tall and about 17lbs right now. So pretty much within the next month we will need to buy you a new seat....pretty soon you are going to be as tall as your brother!

I still haven't been able to figure out what kind of personality you will have, but I love to see how much you change and grow and develop every single day. You will do great things in this life, I know it. You will change the world, my sweet boy. Just wait and see.

 Brother Love :) Trenton loves holding your hands

 Bath time! Luckily you like water being poured on your head. It makes washing your hair SO much easier! You especially love bath time with your brother. I think mostly so you can steal his toys :)

 We've got two hungry hungry hippos in our family! You can demolish a food pouch in about 5 minutes. Plus you continue to think you are all big and insist on holding your own pouch to eat

 Even though this picture doesn't say it, you love sitting outside and playing with the grass. Inside, we can't get you to sit and play by yourself for longer than 5 minutes, but outside you will sit for a long time! (The face I caught with the camera just makes me laugh)

 Trenton has a bad habit of taking a few bites of his apple then leaving them so we started giving them to you to gnaw on. Sometimes I think you are able to get some of the juice. Apples are one of your favorite chew toys :)

 I hope you both continue to share well and play together. This just makes my heart happy

 My first Mother's Day as a mommy of two of the most perfect little boys in the world!
(Silly brother didn't want to sit still for a picture)

 This silly, straight-faced smile. This is what Daddy and I love. You are so goofy and so loveable

 Here is you being a big boy and feeding yourself

 For Mother's Day we went to the Children's Museum. You both loved it! Then since Trenton was going non-stop and it was nap time for you, this was the best picture I could get all day with my babies :)

 Lots of construction is going on around campus so naturally Trenton wanted a picture next to a tractor. And look at you sitting in the bike like you are a toddler! Slow down, Mr. Tucker, you are only 7 months old!

 My smiley baby

 Your first pool time! You really enjoyed splashing your hands into the pool. Until Trenton accidentally dragged the hose over you. Then you were done with the water for the day.
 I cannot believe you are seven months old. You are growing up too fast!

 Every time we do your monthly photos, Brother always needs one with you as well

 And this month Daddy decided to jump in as well!